I was born in ghana, would never have guessed that I would be in Canada of all places at this age. I could of ended up any where in the world. The only person to really have faith in me my whole life would prolly be my grandma. In my head I know that I have something different to show to the world, most people think I'm talkin shit, or that im over conceited and hav'nt done enough to be this way. I'm not coneited at all I feel. I just always do what I say i'm gonna do. Thats what people dont get about me. I 'm not one of those dudes that say "oh im gonna do this that blah blah" then after a while it dies down and they havent done shit. So when i say that I'm gonna do shit and poeple dog it or dog my credability When I show them wrong ovcourse I'm gonna be in you face boasting about it. Thats just how I am and probably how everybody is. I'm not just talking about BH If you know me you know I've been trying a range of different businesses and other shit since i was like 12 lol Even since then i was an underdog, so i guess the attitude or conceited ness that some pople feel that I have comes from the fact that I feel i gotta prove myself to mufuckas. Its cool for me casue theres tons of shit in my head that people wouldnt belive and tons of ideas that people will be able to embrass on a world scale but I'm keepin those to myself for now. All i gotta really say is DONT even doubt me. Like EVER. If i tell you im gonna do something know that unless i get like stabbed or shot or some other crazy shit im gonna do it. I take shit like that very serious because I feel I gotta make my Grandma proud & that everyones got a purpose